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Image of a couple on their wedding day.
Image of flowers.
Image of a couple dancing.


A civil marriage ceremony can be conducted at our Register Office or Wrekin Suite in Wellington or at one of our approved, licensed venues. If you choose to hold your ceremony at an approved venue, you must use a Registrar from the Register Office to ensure your marriage is legal. Throughout every step of the journey we will be on hand to offer advice and guidance to make sure your special day is perfect and memorable.

Available to both same and opposite sex couples, in order to get married you must:

  • be aged 16 years or over
  • not already married or in a civil partnership
  • not closely related to your intended spouse
  • give ‘notice’ at least 30 days before the ceremony date.

In Telford and Wrekin, we offer the following marriage ceremony types:

  • a statutory legal ceremony held in the Superintendent Registrar's Office for the couple and 2 witnesses only
  • a legal ceremony held in the Wrekin Suite for up to 60 guests, available all week
  • a legal ceremony held at an approved, licensed venue of your choosing within Telford and Wrekin, available all week.

Please note: All personal ceremony choices (where applicable) will be subject to checks by the Registrar team to ensure they are appropriate for the ceremony and that there is no religious content.

Religious marriage

Religious marriage

For religious marriages - arrangements must be made direct with your local Vicar/Priest/Minister. They will advise you if you need to contact us to book a ‘notice’ appointment. Usually at least one of the parties to the marriage must have residency in the area you choose to marry or make a legal declaration that the building being used is their usual place of worship.

Getting married abroad

Getting married abroad

If you intend to enter into a marriage of civil partnership abroad you must follow the regulations of the country you want to get married in. You will also need to stay in the country for a specific length of time before the ceremony. For more information contact the embassy of the country in which you intend to marry.

Celebratory ceremony

Celebratory ceremony

Should you wish to have a celebratory ceremony at a non-licenced location within Telford & Wrekin, our team of celebrants will be happy to assist you in planning a bespoke, non-legal event, such as vow renewals and baby naming ceremonies.

Civil partnership conversion

Civil partnership conversion

The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013, enables couples of the same sex to convert their civil partnership into a marriage if formed in England, Wales or overseas at British consulates or by British Armed Forces personnel overseas where the couple elected England and Wales as the relevant law. Once the civil partnership is converted into a marriage, the civil partnership ends and the couple is treated as having been married since the date the civil partnership was formed.

 For more information about celebratory ceremonies and civil partnership conversion please email [email protected]

Book a Marriage Ceremony

Book a Notice of Marriage