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Local suppliers disclaimer

Image of a lady working on her laptop.
Disclaimer written on a torn piece of paper.
Image of a set of wedding decorations on a table.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this local supplier directory, "we" (Telford & Wrekin Council) do not accept any responsibility or liability for any errors or misinformation. "We" are also not responsible for the content of third party websites / emails listed in the information / records visible on this website.

It is recommended that you check direct with providers that their service or organisation meets your specific requirements. We offer an impartial listing service and cannot recommend or endorse any of the local suppliers listed.


Telford & Wrekin Council has not conducted background checks against the local suppliers listed. You are advised to undertake your own checks and verifications to ensure you are entirely satisfied with the local supplier before engaging with their services.

We would recommend the following advice as a guide to carrying out checks and verifications:

  • check that the service has the relevant insurance
  • check that the service has a health and safety policy
  • check that the service has a complaints procedure
  • check that the service has staff trained and qualified in the specific area
  • check that the service has child protection procedures whereby they are directly involved with children.

If you have any questions or concerns about any of the local suppliers listed in our online directory, please email